Kurdistan photos - Roxane photo - Kurdistan pictures
Photos Lalesh, Lalish Irak Kurdistan (Village yézidi)
Région de Duhok - Province de Ninive Irak - Iraq
Lalesh pictures Iraq Lalish Kurdistan (Yazidi village)
Photos Kurdistan | Lalesh Photos Lalesh Kurdistan
Qawal, flûte et tambourin - Qawal, flute and tambourine - Lalesh - Lalish
Photos Kurdistan Irak - Photo Lalesh Photos Lalesh Kurdistan
- Pictures Iraq
Ces joueurs de flûte et de tambourin sont des qawal, des musiciens qui jouent de la musique sacrée lors des cérémonies religieuses yézidies. Ils accompagnent ici des danses à l'occasion du Jêma, la fête du rassemblement qui a lieu tous les ans au mois d'octobre au Temple de Lalesh.
These flute and tambourine players are qawal, musicians who play sacred music during Yazidi religious ceremonies. They accompany dances here on the occasion of Jêma, the festival of the gathering which takes place every year in October at the Temple of Lalesh.
Blog Roxane photo : Lalesh - Lalish
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The rights of this photo are managed by La Saif images. To obtain a permission to use, please send an e-mail to : lasaifimages@saif.fr with the file name : 03998-20181007lali135737num067.jpg
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