Kurdistan photos - Roxane photo - Kurdistan pictures

Photos animaux, faune Kurdistan d'Irak
Wildlife, animals pictures Kurdistan Iraq

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Photos Kurdistan | Animaux Kurdistan Kurdish Animals

Ecureuil de Perse ou Ă©cureuil du Caucase - Persian squirrel or Caucasian squirrel - Sciurus anomalus - Amadiyah - Amedi
Decticelle mâle - Decticelle - Male grasshopper - Shanidar
Chien kurde - Kurdish dog - Piraka
Marbré kurde - Pontia chloridice - Lesser Bath White -  Ankawa
Poussins noirs - Black chicks - Karaoula
Chèvre noire à poil long - Black long-haired goat - Amedi - Amadiyeh
Chiots kurdes - Kurdish puppies - Amadiya - Amedi
Chèvre de Syrie ou chèvre mambrine - Syria goat - Amedi - Amadiya
Chien - Dog - LĂ©vo
Ecureuil sur un mûrier - Squirrel on a mulberry tree - Lalesh - Lalish
Dindon - Turkey - Amadiyah - Amedi
Ane - Donkey - Equus asinus - Kwane - Komane
Poules - Hens - Amadiyah - Amedi
LĂ©zard - Lizard - Lacerta - Duhok - Dohouk
Vache - Cow - Said Sadiq - Saidsadiq
Chiots kurdes - Kurdish puppies - Amadiya - Amedi
Moutons bicolores - Bicolor sheeps - Shaqlawa
Sauterelle decticelle mâle - Decticelle Male grasshopper - Shanidar - Shanadar
Chien berger - Sheepdog - Salahaddin
Ane Ă  poil long - Longhaired donkey - Levo - LĂ©vo
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