Kurdistan photos - Roxane photo - Kurdistan pictures
Photos hommes du Kurdistan d'Irak. Portraits Kurdes, Chrétiens, Yézidis, Kurdistanis.
Men pictures in Kurdistan Iraq. Kurds, Christians, Yazidis men.
Photos Kurdistan | Portraits Kurdes & Kurdistanis Photos Kurdish people | Hommes Kurdistan Men

Ferhad Baba Sheikh - Lalesh - Lalish
Photos Kurdistan Irak - Photo Hommes Kurdistan Men
- Pictures Iraq
Ferhad Babê Sheikh, ou Farhad Baba Shex, est le fils de Babê Sheikh, le leader spirituel des Yézidis de la famille des Shemsanî. La fonction étant héréditaire, il prendra probablement la suite de son père, aujourd'hui très âgé.
Ferhad Babê Sheikh, or Farhad Baba Shex, is the son of Babê Sheikh, the spiritual leader of the Yazidis of the Shemsanî family. The function being hereditary, he will probably take over from his father, who is now very old.
Blog Roxane photo : Lalesh - Lalish
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The rights of this photo are managed by La Saif images. To obtain a permission to use, please send an e-mail to : lasaifimages@saif.fr with the file name : 03998-20181007lali144909num151.jpg
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