Kurdistan photos - Roxane photo - Kurdistan pictures
Photos hommes du Kurdistan d'Irak. Portraits Kurdes, Chrétiens, Yézidis, Kurdistanis.
Men pictures in Kurdistan Iraq. Kurds, Christians, Yazidis men.
Photos Kurdistan | Portraits Kurdes & Kurdistanis Photos Kurdish people | Hommes Kurdistan Men
Babê Gavan - Baba Gavan - Lalesh - Lalish
Photos Kurdistan Irak - Photo Hommes Kurdistan Men
- Pictures Iraq
Babê (ou Baba) Gavan est l'un des hauts dignitaires de la communauté yézidie d'Iraq. C'est le responsable religieux en charge de la région de Mossoul.
Babê (or Baba) Gavan is one of the high dignitaries of the Yezidi community of Iraq. He is the religious leader in charge of the Mosul region.
Blog Roxane photo : Lalesh - Lalish
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The rights of this photo are managed by La Saif images. To obtain a permission to use, please send an e-mail to : lasaifimages@saif.fr with the file name : 03998-20150417lali103835num0005.jpg
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