Kurdistan photos - Roxane photo - Kurdistan pictures
Photos Lalesh, Lalish Irak Kurdistan (Village yézidi)
Région de Duhok - Province de Ninive Irak - Iraq
Lalesh pictures Iraq Lalish Kurdistan (Yazidi village)
Photos Kurdistan | Lalesh Photos Lalesh Kurdistan
Serpent noir - Temple de Lalesh - Black snake - Lalish temple - Lalesh Lalish
Photos Kurdistan Irak - Photo Lalesh Photos Lalesh Kurdistan
- Pictures Iraq
Le serpent noir, symbole de sagesse, garde l'entrée du temple sacré des Yézidis à Lalesh, ce qui leur a vallu la réputation erronée d'adorateurs du diable.
The black serpent, symbol of wisdom, keeps the entrance of the sacred temple of the Yazidis to Lalesh, which has earned them the false reputation of worshipers of the devil.
Blog Roxane photo : Lalesh - Lalish
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