Kurdistan photos - Roxane photo - Kurdistan pictures

Photos Amadiyah, Amedi, Amadiye, Amadiya, Amadieh, Amédéa, Amedy Kurdistan Irak
Amedi, Amediyah, Amadiyeh, Amadia, Amadiya pictures Iraqi Kurdistan

Photos Kurdistan | Amadiya Amadiyah Photos Amedi Kurdistan | Amadiyah Ville Photos Amadiya City Kurdistan

Détails de la porte de la citadelle d'Amedy - Details of the gate of the Amedy citadel - Amadiya - Amedi - Amadiyah - Amadiyeh

Détails de la porte de la citadelle d'Amedy - Details of the gate of the Amedy citadel - Amadiya - Amedi - Amadiyah - Amadiyeh
Photos Kurdistan Irak - Photo Amadiyah Ville Photos Amadiya City Kurdistan - Pictures Iraq

Cette porte de la citadelle d'Amadiyah, appelée porte du Badinan ou porte de Mossoul, est la seule qui reste aujourd'hui de la forteresse que fit détruire puis reconstruire l'atabeg Imad ed-Din Zengi au début du 12e siècle.

This gate of the citadel of Amadiyah, called Badinan Gate or Mosul Gate, is the only one left of the fortress that was destroyed and rebuilt atabeg Imad ed-Din Zengi at the beginning of the 12th century.

Blog Roxane photo : Amadiyah - Amedi

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The rights of this photo are managed by La Saif images. To obtain a permission to use, please send an e-mail to : lasaifimages@saif.fr with the file name : 03998-20090424amad152208num0934.jpg

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