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Total des résultats / Total matches for Fontaines Fountains: 6

Fontaine aux ablutions de la mosquée Hayat - Ablutions fountain of the Hayat mosque - Erbil - Arbil - Irbil - Hewler - Hawler
Fontaine dans la cour d'un divan - Fountain in the courtyard of a building - Citadelle d'Erbil - Erbil's citadel - Arbil - Hewler - Hawler
Fontaine du Sheraton - Sheraton fountain - Erbil - Arbil - Irbil - Hewler - Hawler
Petite fille et Yézidi - Ezidian man and little girl - Lalish - Lalesh
Porte de la mosquée Hayat - Door of the Hayat mosque - Erbil - Arbil - Irbil - Hewler - Hawler
Sheraton - Erbil - Arbil - Irbil - Hewler - Hawler

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