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Total des résultats / Total matches for Temples: 179

Préparation de chandelles - Chandelles - Lalish - Lalesh
Préparation de mèches - Wickes - Lalesh - Lalish
Prière yézidie - Yazidi prayer - Mahmarishan
Procession religieuse - Religious procession - Lalesh - Lalish
Purification des foulards - Purification of scarves - Lalesh - Lalish
Purification des foulards - Purification of scarves - Lalesh - Lalish
Qawal - Lalesh - Lalish
Qawal - Lalesh - Lalish
Qawal, flûte et tambourin - Qawal, flute and tambourine - Lalesh - Lalish
Ruines d'un temple yézidi - Ruins of a Yezidi temple - Bozan
Sacrifice du taureau - Sacrifice of the bull - Lalesh - Lalish
Salle à l'intérieur du temple - Inside the temple - Lalesh - Lalish
Salle aux amphores - Amphoras room -Lalesh - Lalish
Salle du Temple - Temple's room - Lalesh - Lalish
Salle du temple sacré - Chamber of the sacred temple - Lalesh - Lalish
Salle principale du Temple de Lalesh - Main room of Lalish Temple - Lalish - Lalesh
Sanctuaire à voeux - Wishes sanctuary - Petite Lalesh - Little Lalish - Bozan
Sanctuaire yézidi - Yazidi sanctuary - Petite Lalesh - Little Lalish - Bozan
Sandjak - Lalesh - Lalesh
Sandjak yézidi - Yazidi sandjak - Lalesh - Lalish
Scorpion - Scorpio - Jerwan
Sêma - Jêma - Lalesh - Lalish
Sêma - Jêma - Lalish - Lalesh
Sêma - Temple de Lalesh - Lalish' Temple

Le site Kurdistan photos a été développé à partir de Zen Photo