Kurdistan photos - Roxane photo - Kurdistan pictures

Photos Bavian Khenis Khannis Khanis Khinis Khinnis Irak Kurdistan (Site archéologique)
Province de Duhok
Khenis Khenniis Bavian Khanis pictures Iraq Kurdistan (Archaeological site)

Photos Kurdistan | Bavian Photos Khenis Bavian Khanis

Bas-relief assyrien - Assyrian bas-relief - Bavian - Kenis - Kinnis Khenis

Bas-relief assyrien - Assyrian bas-relief - Bavian - Kenis - Kinnis Khenis
Photos Kurdistan Irak - Photo Bavian Photos Khenis Bavian Khanis - Pictures Iraq

Ce bas-relief assyrien qui s'est détaché de la roche de Khenis Bavian représente deux personnages, dont le roi Sennachérib, fils de Sargon II, et probablement Assur, le grand dieu de l'antique Assyrie.

This Assyrian bas-relief which has detached itself from the rock of Khenis Bavian represents two characters, including King Sennacherib, son of Sargon II, and probably Assur, the great god of ancient Assyria.

Blog Roxane photo : Bavian Khenis

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The rights of this photo are managed by La Saif images. To obtain a permission to use, please send an e-mail to : lasaifimages@saif.fr with the file name : 03998-20120908khen155506num0146.jpg

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